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The Worlds I Know Of

Hi guys! Chronicler9 here.

I figured I'd take a moment to tell you about some of the worlds I've seen.

In my previous post, I mentioned Rhíad a couple times, and of course my first series of fables are set in Rhíad, but that was one of the more recent worlds I discovered. Actually, the first worlds I visited were those of what I've called "The Central Dimension" - the universe is referred to as "Al Sir". Al Sir has five worlds (Central) all interconnected by natural teleportation areas (jumpsites) that link each world to the next. It also has mini-dimensions (Outer Dimensions), which are linked to certain geographical areas or can be opened by a portal master.

And since I now realize how many new words and concepts I must introduce here, I'll go back a bit further to the basics of the basics.

By what I've come to understand, worlds are located in the First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Fifth Plane. First Plane contains Central and its mini dimensions (together known as Al Sir). It is closest to the spirit realm and thus has the most manifestations of weird junk - no other way to say it without defining more new terms for you, I'll do that later.

Second Plane contains a world called Hithéa. It has a bunch of mystical happenings, usually revolving around different types of creatures - dragons can be found there, among other things. Also, it appears to be somehow linked to the Third Plane (I'm still exploring this, as they really don't seem to be in the same universe...).

The Third Plane hosts Rhíad, where a great many of our stories have taken inspiration from. Physically, "mystical" creatures (wish I had a better word for that) have been able to pass between the Third and Second Planes. But when it comes to dreaming, it appears we Earthlings - in the Fourth Plane - have a great affinity to the Third Plane. The Third is also very... how to put this... flimsy? no... "fluid" I think. It is scientifically fluid. It has a direct connection to an ethereal dimension called Evyr, where "people of the Stars" dwell. No real solid way to describe this for you. I'll have to do another blog about Evyr later - that's a subject all its own.

Then there's the Fifth Plane, which I'll admit I've not looked into as much. Something about somnibi is that we can see more immediately what personally attracts us, or what we have a good affinity for. The Fifth Dimension has a world called Gangvelt, the entire world is like a collection of gears. The way people are born and... "recycled" is a rather different concept than any of the other worlds I've seen. It has these areas where beings go to "recharge"? Ah, I really won't be able to describe it well as of right now. I've only recently discovered it, and my affinity for it is rather low, so I've only caught bits and pieces. I'll have more on that later, I hope. It is a very intriguing world, to say the least.

It wouldn't be a far stretch to say I "grew up in" Central.

I first discovered my ability as a somnibus when I was 7. When I made it to The Archive, I had the greatest affinity for Al Sir and connected to the story of a girl named Daiunora (Daiu). I watched her life and learned with her about the war between the pura and draka, about shadows, about magas technology, and various cultures and history. The five worlds are Arthe, Proleeca, Tilvar, Toya, and Kin'laya. Arthe is connected to Kinlaya and Proleeca - Proleeca to Arthe and Tilvar - and so on, each linking to two other worlds. Proleeca used to be a world called "Leeca" until they greatly dishonored a vow they made to the High King who destroyed the world, but saved a handful to start anew on Proleeca. The people there now have blue, red, or green skin, and no hair - as a memory of their broken vow in the past. But the people are still chosen and greatly empowered by the High King. Rather than being cursed, I'd consider them "set apart" for something great. They are the most naturally colorful of any worlds I've seen, too! The world is huge - perhaps three times the size of Earth - but it has two suns so they can't stay on the surface. They live underground and get light from these long crystal shafts. They use rune stones and other magas technology to keep rivers flowing and manage the weather. The vegetation is HUGE! and Really colorful! And the people are very tall - well... except for the green-skinned people. I'm really not sure why, though. It's always puzzled me.

Alright, so that was my quick rundown of various worlds. I'll write something more in depth on individual worlds or concepts later. Feel free to shoot me an email if there's something in particular you want to know about.

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