YouTube Update! // You are worth every wonder.
Life, depression, confidence, and the future. You will be seeing a lot more of me on YouTube, so if you enjoy my works, feel free to join...

Completing this Novel - Mikal's story... and mine.
Have you ever been afraid of your own voice? You all know I've had these stories in my head for years upon years. You've also very likely...

Timelines and World-building
"When I write, I don't dictate the world, I just write what the world tells me is happening." I say this a LOT. Some people get it, a...

"What Side Are You?"
With so many divided families, increasingly more children have been forced to answer this question: "What side of your family do you...

My most warm-hearted little piece <3
It's finally out! The updated, upgraded version of Miki's Dream. Those who've followed me for a while may note that I did previously...

Don't Worry, Lydaea
You're going to be okay. I encountered someone who brings me a great deal of encouragement about your future. You HAVE a future! Just...
Bizarre Revelations
If you've ever written a story, you may understand how deeply your own characters can hit you. So, when I set down to write a full story,...
Staying Focused as a Writer
"How do you stay focused on writing and stick to it?" A lady recently asked me this question for her son. Sadly, I wasn't really able to...
My current Sivs obsession (lol)
As most who read my works know, my reason for writing - and for most anything I do - is kids. I adore kids and aim to reveal truths of...
Sivs and Mikal: First Encounters (blood warning) [YA]
… Winded, Sivs focused his breathing. Deep slow breath in… long exhale out… It helped steady his heartbeat, though only a little. This...