Birth of Sivs (blood warning) [YA]
Rarely has anyone gotten the opportunity to pick his or her birthplace, talents, parents, or name – and such cases generally involve a...

Worlds in the Water
Two decades before the Fog, in the upscale town of Augis, a painter named Don met the love of his life - the jeweler Lia Hae, who'd...

Mikal's Journey
So, I'm working on writing the short story "The Doll" which is one of my darker pieces. In "Lissa's Choice" you might have noticed the...

The Gosper and the Nymn (part 1)
The Gosper and the Nymn On an average day in the world of RhÃad, a very curious event took place. Although unprecedented, this event...

Three Character Sheets and Sketches ^_^
Name: Docus lem Laurel ol Sulto Occupation: Teacher / Royal of Sulto Inner Strength: Laughter and Wisdom Inner Weakness: Caring too...

"A Mikal's Child" novels
I obsess over various characters from time to time, which results in me sketching and doodling all over my notebooks. Of all my main...

Barely Ghoti! (this is not a typo)
Hello, guys! Did you know that "Ghoti" is pronounced "Fish?" Of course you did. You're reading Chronicler blogs. You're an intellectual....
Lissa's Choice (a tale from T'vanna)
"Behold! ... The great minstrel of nanthaida! Voice of the Stars! Bringer of a thousand worlds! Miss... Lissaea!"

Hello Again, World!
Hello! I'm back and determined to VLOG! Follow vlog, acting, and music updates on my "Dani Adams" YouTube channel (linked above) and if...

Finding Yourself
Most people, at some point or other, reach this moment where they "find themselves" - oftentimes, this is a recurring event. In the...