"A Mikal's Child" novels

I obsess over various characters from time to time, which results in me sketching and doodling all over my notebooks.
Of all my main characters - Holl and Doren (adoptive siblings), Selah and Raga (young twins), Daiu and Ramal (soul-bound), Jam and Reli (an odd pair), Docus and Mur (perfect couple), Shock and Dash (80-yr-old twins), etc - I find myself wanting to draw Mikal!
And if you're wondering if part of it is fangirling... ALL of it is fangirling!
To the point that I've written my own dang fanfics about him - just because I REALLY wanted to be in his story, or had ideas for "what if XYZ horrible thing hadn't happened?" and whatnot.
... That and he's gorgeous.
=__= my art does NOT do this guy justice!
He's got silver hair, golden-to-dark-green eyes (depends on certain factors, but he's half ethereal so his form alters in slight ways by his mood), brown skin (again, varies in hue depending on certain factors), and - my personal favorite - RESTING B-FACE!
It makes me laugh.
He's had that face since he was born. Came out lookin' like an angry baby XD But he's a sweetheart!
... well... for the most part.
He... kinda did some things that he probably definitely never should have done ever. ... EVER. But. ... I think that's also why I love him so much.
He's flawed. And beautiful. And terrifying at times. But no matter what, he's always sincere. And he spends the remainder of his life after the extremely tragic circumstances he caused... trying to make up for it in whatever way he can.
I don't believe all my readers will be willing to forgive him. But I hope that, as I convey his tale, you will at least find a connection with him.
I'll be sure to talk more about Kina too, at some point, but for now... This picture makes me all warm and happy. It depicts a rare moment of peace in their crazy lives, when Mikal tries - and fails once again - to interest the girl in reading. Kina is the type who'd rather go out and explore, and she has a small attention span. But she adores Mikal, and at least makes an attempt to listen... But I mean, butterflies and stuff.
If you want to read about them, you'll find them in the Books of Mikal series I'm working on. The first story is about Mikal's mother, Rozaeli, and the events that led to his birth. A fairy tale came out of this, in their world, "The Maiden and the Star" - which you may have noticed is a coming title of mine. I'm pondering publishing them as "Tales of T'vanna: Fable of the Maiden and the Star" and then the true events as "Books of Mikal: Star Maiden."
As soon as "Lissa's Choice" is officially published, you'll also see some references to Mikal in there as well - and references to Lydi from what I'd intended to call "Bubblewitch" until the phone game came out, so I've changed the title to "Water Witch."
Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
My first animation - for Desmond Deathflores - is in the works! Can't wait to show it to you!
(below images from The Tale of Desmond Deathflores)